Brendon Kearns


Found Photography: Photo Album

Originally I was trying to stick solely to negatives but I find I end up breaking that rule once in awhile and buy something like this- since these are scans of actual prints I left the tint and discoloration in tact for dramatic effect.

Most of the shots are of a European vacation and feature what are still common place tourist destinations such as the haunted Jamacia Inn, this same shot taken today can be found on the Inn’s main website.

My guess on time period is late 40’s/early 50’s- based on the dress of the people and the cars their driving.


  1. Seriously amazing I love them

  2. I have a weird feeling I’ve got another album by the young woman in these photos. My albums at work, so I can’t readily check at the moment. If it is her, her name was Barbara Jacqueline Hawke, and she lived from about 1929 until 2007 in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. I got my album, by the way, from “Chris”, who sells second-hand cameras and old, miscellaneous, photos on King Street, at Newtown. Lovely photos anyway, even if not by Barbara.

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